Mindfulness in coaching: Learning and development – an enhanced operational definition and framework for practice and research

The use of mindfulness in the practice of coaching has gained interest over recent years amongst coaching professionals.Whilst there has been research to examine and understand its role and place in coaching practice, much remains yet to be examined with respect to its purpose and how mindfulness may be acquired and used in coaching practice. Therefore, the aim of this study was to help coaches better understand and use mindfulness concepts in a coaching context. Three sets of data are presented from studies on how mindfulness in coaching is developed and acquired. The objectives of these studies, which involved 112 participants, concerned the experiences and perceptions of trainee-coaches learning mindfulness, experienced coaches using mindfulness and, finally, coach supervisors who use mindfulness in their supervision practice. Data were collected using interviews, the Five FacetMindfulness Questionnaire (FFMQ) and personal learning logs. Analysis was conducted using Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis (IPA), content and inferential statistical analysis. Commonalities across definitions of mindfulness were recognised or identified by these three groups, which complemented and aided the development of personal and professional skills for mindfulness coaching.Key findings related to how and when to use mindfulness, the impact of mindfulness on coaching practice, how trainee coaches increased their own mindfulness during practice. The findings are developed into an enhanced operational definition and framework for mindfulness coaching.
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