Beyond Tx: A self-coaching workbook for those leaving the armed forces.

About the book

This coaching workbook is designed to meet the needs of individuals within the Armed Services, and other uniformed services, who are approaching the end of their period of service (Termination date).Written by a professor of organisational psychology and ex-armed forces personnel from Embrion - a training and consulting company. The 200 page workbook provides a mix of practical advice and lots of practical exercises to encourage individuals to reflect on their personal career situation. The workbook uses a careers coaching style, recognising that no two people are identical. By the end of the book you will have a better idea of what you want for your next career and what you need to do to turn the plan into reality. Beyond TX has been written in support of Combat Stress, a charity dedicated to helping armed services personnel adjust to civilian life after injury. The income from sales will be donated to the charity.

Get in Touch

For enquires about speaking, coaching, supervision or any of Jonathan's writing, just get in touch.